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Finding people in the tree is not easy.

+5 votes
I have a very large family tree with more than 2000 people. It is really hard to find one. Sometimes only the first name is known and there are multiple last names with same name. It would be very helpful if you can improve this.
asked Jun 17, 2015 by tuncaycoban (190 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I have this issue as well.  I have 1,750 people in my tree and finding any particular one is a trial using the Find button.  I have a dozen people with any given common family first name, and since it sorts by last name but you have to look them up by first name, they do not appear all in a row together.  It is extremely frustrating.

My work-around is to export it to CSV and search in Excel.  Very inconvenient.  :(
answered Jun 19, 2015 by InTheRootsOfTheTree (1,490 points)
edited Jun 19, 2015 by InTheRootsOfTheTree
Yes, it is really frustrating.