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Is there a way to add/anotate Close Family Friends?

0 votes

Is there a way to add/anotate Close Family Friends? Other Than just changing the color or putting them down as foster or adopted siblings? 
Some of my non-biological family members were raised together like siblings but I want to see them as they are on the tree.

asked Feb 4, 2021 by ZyonBaxter (180 points)

1 Answer

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Sadly, no, without getting confused who's the parent of who or with everything looking messy, that is (though I do wish it could be somehow possible but I do suppose it is a geneaology tree after all) but I usually put them as friends in bio notes if their friends are in the family tree otherwise I mention their friends in bio notes.

answered Feb 28, 2021 by Z-Rena (1,640 points)