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Unable to see the family tree

0 votes

I've recently tried to open Family Echo on a different laptop to my usual one and am unable to see my family tree. I've tried Firefox, Chrome and Edge but to no avail. When I sign in and click on my family tree, the page where the tree is supposed to be come up showing only the bottom task bar (About, FAQs API, Baby Names ...) and this covers 90% of the screen. On the top, I can see the name of my family tree, the "Save, Share, My Account, Logout"  buttons and this forms the remaining 10% of the screen. I can neither see the tree itself nor the side bar where we enter relatives' details.

I have no such issues when I log in using my mobile phone, so I assume there's some software missing on my laptop which is preventing the tree from displaying. JavaScript seems to be enabled - anyone know what I'm missing?


asked Feb 2, 2021 by alikhokhar (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
you might be zoomed in too far, zooming out might help
answered Feb 24, 2021 by Creepycat18 (710 points)