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How to see entire tree at once?

+3 votes
How can we see the entire tree at one time? I want to be able to see every single person on every branch at once. Right now, the only option seems to be to click on one person, and that will bring up the descendants and immediate family of just that one branch.
asked Jan 24, 2021 by desireefig (160 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
i also wanna know the answer to this. it kinda sucks only being able to see part of it at once.
answered Jan 25, 2021 by brambbble (140 points)
Download it as a pdf
The issue is size of letters are too small
0 votes
You can set how much of the tree to display in "show options" which is also at the bottom of the screen. You can set it to show very large numbers of people, but some family trees are so big that the lines would get confusing, so there is a limit of how far up and down the tree you can display at once.
answered Mar 31, 2021 by lsommerer (51,870 points)