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Why can't I put photos on my family tree?

+2 votes
The website won't let me put photos on my family tree, when I click "choose file" nothing happens.
asked Jan 7, 2021 by jstxrm (150 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
You can. Select the family member who's photo you want to add, and select add photo at the top of the side bar. Upload said photo from your computer files and select 'upload.' Let the application load, and the photo should appear.
answered Jan 8, 2021 by seattle_bae (140 points)
+1 vote
I'm not sure what you are doing.   There is no "choose file" function.  To add a photo of a family member, click on the [Add photo of Xxxxx] button on the upper left, under the members name.  Then click on the [Browse...] button to bring up the file selector.  Navigate to and select the desired photo and click [Open] then the [Upload] button.  To change the photo click on the photo on the left panel and do the same dance.
answered Jan 8, 2021 by DanUgrin (21,720 points)
+1 vote
I am having the same issue and I am on a mac computer.
answered Jan 20, 2021 by Miriamlam (170 points)
Yes, looks like it may be a Mac issue
I'm using an older mac mini and Firefox OSX 10.11.6 and am having no problems attaching a photo to a family member.  Please detail what is happening on your mac.