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Siblings married another families siblings?

0 votes
I have a unquie situation, where a brother and sister both married children of one family. Is there a way I can link the brother and sister to the same parents without duplicating their names?
Since this seems a little confusing, I'll just be more clear. The brother-in-law of one sister, and the sister-in-law of one brother, are siblings.

How can I show that they are siblings? Can they connect on the tree?
asked Jun 15, 2015 by ahauptli (120 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Choose one of the siblings and click on 'Partner with person already on tree'. Select their partner from the scroll menu, then repeat this process for their sibling.

However, to do this the tree will always duplicate the names, with no exceptions and regardless of physical proximity. Unfortunately there is no way to create these relationships without duplicating the names. This can be a problem but it is necessary for the layout of the tree. If your siblings have the same surname it will be clear they are siblings.
answered Jun 15, 2015 by p.mcallister (16,000 points)