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Can I get this software for my website

0 votes


I am creating my own family tree going back to 1600. Since I only only a part of the family tree, I would like to create a website where I add whatever I know and have others add to the tree what they know. It is only for my own personal family tree use and not for any resale.

Is this software available for anyone to use on their own website? Or perhaps someone can suggest a different software?


asked Dec 19, 2020 by DJDJDJDJ (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I believe you can use the share button to give other people access to the same family tree. You could either send an email or give a link. They should be able to edit the tree, but it would still be on Family Echo.
answered Dec 19, 2020 by bobjohn4324 (190 points)