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How do I arrange siblings if I only know the order of births and not the exact birth dates?

+1 vote

I'm aware that siblings are automatically ordered chronologically by birth when their birth dates are entered. However, my family tree has a couple instances where I only know the definitive birth dates of some siblings. In these cases, I know the order of births but not everyone's birth dates.

To illustrate, say my mother Jill has three siblings: John, Jenny and Joseph. How can I order these four siblings by chronological order of birth if I only know that John is the oldest, Jenny is the second oldest, Joseph is the third oldest and my mother is the youngest (i.e. I do not have their exact birth dates)? As far as I can tell, it doesn't seem to be possible unless my mother was the oldest sibling.

If any fellow community member could drop their two cents or some solution to this problem, I would very much appreciate it. This is a project I've spent quite a bit of time on, looking for living sources and the likes. I hope to do the best job I can on this family tree.

closed with the note: Already answered and feature already put into place by web master.
asked Dec 16, 2020 by 349068411 (170 points)
closed Dec 17, 2020 by 349068411