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is there a way to create relationships between two family members without creating duplicates?

+2 votes
ive been using family echo to create royal family trees and i have discovered that when i try to make incest marriages, i get duplicates. is there a way to stop this?
asked Dec 16, 2020 by lewisbrewster (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I have a similar question. My parents were sixth cousins, so one small distant branch of the tree is the same on each side. (I don't consider this an "incest" marriage. My parents had no idea there was any relationship until years after they were married and Mom started looking into genealogy.)

There should be some way to note the connection and not have to enter the previous ancestors in two different places. If you figure it out, let me know!
answered Jan 14, 2021 by janiseiler (190 points)