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Mother/Father not divided by male/female

0 votes
I'm trying to create a family tree for greek mythology from another GEDCOM file, but when I go to choose new parents there are males in the mother section and females in the father section.  For example Gaea is the father of Nereus and Pontus is the mother, despite their genders being set correctly.
asked Jun 14, 2015 by Oddlizard (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
When you click to add parents, it automatically generates two boxes for them.  The female is always on the left and it automatically directs your cursor there to enter her information first.  If you accidentally type in the father's information first, and then hit Enter and type in the mother's, they will appear "backwards" in your tree.  Is this what you're referring to?  As far as I know there's no way to flip this correctly, you just have to edit them manually.
answered Jun 14, 2015 by InTheRootsOfTheTree (1,490 points)