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Retrieving Old Account?

0 votes

I'm not certain if other members would be able to answer this question, but there's no "Contact Us" button or an email provided to email the tech support or creators of the site or whatever. 

When I first made an account it was using my old email (whitewolfkay@aol.com) and the user name "MatriasLupa". I have tried to send an email and it says it is sent, but given the bugs of AOL I'm not getting anything, not even in the junk mail. I have tried to retrieve the password on multiple occasions and tried basically ever password I can think of, but to no avail.  I was wondering if there's anyway the staff/admins/whatever could change the email attached to it? If this is possible I'd glading give you another email to forward it to.
asked Jun 14, 2015 by VampireLouislove (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Try using the 'Send Feedback' link at the bottom of the tree's page to contact Family Echo directly. I'd also recommend tagging them in your question to bring it to their attention.
answered Jun 15, 2015 by p.mcallister (15,960 points)