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How to allow create a relationship between a mother and a son. (Greek Mythology! Not me)

+3 votes
I like to make family trees of Mythological creatures and Gods and stuff like that. The Greek family tree like the others has incest all over the place. And i can easily do all of those, but i can't create one between a mother and a son, and that happens a few times, i mean, i could just create a new person and name it the same thing and maybe duplicate all of the descendants, and i dont actually think that there is a way to make a mother/son relationship, but i was hoping maybe it could come in a future minor update or something? Just wondering.
asked Dec 1, 2020 by DracoFyre20 (150 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Go on the child and look to the sidebar and click on:

<change or delete>
<change parents>
<choose new parents from tree>

you can then choose the mother that is already on the tree and then <set new parents>
answered Dec 2, 2020 by 31harrypotter07 (790 points)
I’m doing the same thing with Greek Mythology and I just:
-Click Add Partner/Ex
-Click Partner With Person Already On Tree
-Select Desired Person
0 votes

I’m doing the same thing with Greek Mythology and I just:

-Click Add Partner/Ex
-Click Partner With Person Already On Tree
-Select Desired Person

answered Apr 29, 2022 by GreekGeek20 (530 points)