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Is Ancestry Accurate?

0 votes
I was just wondering if anyone knew if Ancestry is accurate with there info because I am seeing different info for people on other websites.
asked Nov 27, 2020 by Acpisded (2,250 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You have to be aware even the names on the Grave Stones could be wrong (for all eternity), as it were.  Just like everything on the web is subject and or suspect to miss information (intentionally or not) – Ancestry.com is good – not great lots of duplicates / little to no structure / no titles, there is always FindaGrave.com  and Wikitree.com (yes it’s from the Wikipedia Family) BUT  if you want real information try familysearch.com I hate to say it but their new website is from the Church of Later Day Saints has it down to a (Christian) Science.  Not perfect by any means but; I have to give them credit they did invent the GEDCOM file structure which is the reason we are all here.  As always THINK TWICE - CLICK ONCE.


Good Luck

Tom from Boston, MA USA
answered Sep 25, 2022 by thomharte (310 points)