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Is it possible to add adoption?

0 votes
Is it possible to add adoption to the site? If not, is there any way y'all do it? Thank you :)
asked Nov 25, 2020 by oe.eye (120 points)

4 Answers

0 votes
I read in the FAQs that there's no way of showing adoption. The best option is to add them as biological family members and adding in the bio that they were adopted/adopted someone.
answered Nov 26, 2020 by angelmikayla2001 (140 points)
0 votes
Sorry, but there is no current way to add adoptive parents, but due to all of the requests, it may be possible soon!
answered Nov 27, 2020 by Acpisded (2,250 points)
+1 vote
No, but there are several workarounds and you can choose one that you think works the best for your tree.

If you're not including the biological family, then you can just put Adoptive Child at the end of their surname. If you are, however, a few workarounds that I've seen is to add a fake partner to the adopted child and name it something along the lines of "focus person's adoptive/biological family) and add the adoptive/biological (whichever type of family you chose) parents & siblings to that family. For adoptive parents, do the same thing as before but add the biological/adoptive (again, whichever you chose) children to that partner.

Another one I thought of is to have two fake parents each named "Biological Family" and "Adoptive Family" and go on from there. Biological siblings that aren't adopted by the same parents can be the "sibling" of the "Biological Family" parent. Biological siblings that were adopted by the same parents can be added as the adoptive child's sibling, no workaround needed. Adoptive siblings can be the "sibling" of the "Adoptive Family" parent. The biological parents of the focus person can be "Biological Family"'s parents and the adoptive parents of the focus person can be "Adoptive Family"'s parents. Of course, this workaround can make the tree look strange, so this might be recommended for focus people who don't have that much of an extended family.
answered Dec 4, 2020 by Z-Rena (1,640 points)
+1 vote
We are working on this now :)
answered Dec 4, 2020 by gidgreen (10,940 points)
We really appreciate your hard work on this entire FamilyEcho project. Thank you guys so much for this platform! Couldn't be more grateful!