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Expanding the whole family tree

0 votes
I'm trying to see every connection of the family tree but I see it just opens up sections at a time; any way to see every connection?
asked Nov 24, 2020 by KMarzec (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

Generally No.  The FAQ for this issue says:

Q: Why can't I see/print everyone on the tree?

It is often not possible to show the entire family tree at once, without confusing crossing lines. To show the most people possible, click on one of the oldest ancestors and set the 'Children' menu to its maximum.

answered Nov 25, 2020 by DanUgrin (21,680 points)
0 votes
Click on "Parents" and set to 15 generations, "Children" and "Other" and also set to 15 generations.  Then click on the minus sign to make your chart small.  You will see it all.  Also, you can upload your tree to MyHeritage Family Tree Builder and click on "Charts" where you can create all different types of family charts (including an all-in-one chart) and even have it professionally printed or print it yourself.
answered Nov 25, 2020 by MarianneGlass (170 points)