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How can I see which people don't have a photo yet?

0 votes
I can easily spot who's missing birth/death dates thanks to the Find function, but is there a way to quickly find who doesn't have an image yet? Would I have to check every name on the Find menu? I don't mind doing that, I just wanted to check if there was a more efficient method since the tree is kinda huge.
asked Nov 23, 2020 by idgietgoode (120 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
As a matter of fact, there is an easier way to do that:

If you go to the bottom of your page, there should be a show icon. Click on that and scroll down to "show photos". If you click on that, you should easily be able to find who's missing a photo! :)
answered Nov 27, 2020 by Acpisded (2,250 points)