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How do I reduce the window to half size and still be able to see everything?

0 votes
What I like to do is to drag the window to the side of my screen and the window would then take up half of the screen so I could have something else on the other half. What used to happen was the format of the page would change so that I could still see things like the search bar, the zoom buttons, etc. Now when I do that I can only see up to half of the 'Back to me' button, and the tree is not centred and some things are out of reach. I also cannot see the top right hand corner where it displays the username, etc.

If I refresh the page, this happens for maybe a second, and then goes back to the more unhelpful version.

Can someone please help and maybe explain how to get it back to normal?
asked Nov 22, 2020 by 31harrypotter07 (790 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Sounds like a browser issue.  I use Firefox and don't have this problem.  F.E. window reformats just fine.
answered Nov 22, 2020 by DanUgrin (21,720 points)
Still didn't work but thanks anyway