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Sharing Echo through gmail

0 votes
Sharing through gmail account will give a warning massage as pishing mail as such the receipients may hesitate to open the sharing link.
asked Jun 8, 2015 by humchadakatte (140 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
If I understand your meaning correctly, the message implies that the sharing link may carry viruses, bad software etc. There don't seem to be any serious problems like this on Family Echo, so you can probably just go ahead and open the links.
answered Jun 11, 2015 by p.mcallister (16,000 points)
0 votes
Gmail does that with a lot of emails that are sent from somewhere else other than you (which is how Family Echo sends emails) because that is often how pishing mail is accomplished. The problem is that is also how several automated emails from many websites are done as well.
answered Jun 11, 2015 by icemandeaf (620 points)
0 votes
If you are concerned, you can copy the link from the sharing panel and paste it in a message which you send directly from your email and not through the website. This way there shouldn't be any warning for the recipients of the link.
answered Jun 18, 2015 by FamilyEchoSupport (22,250 points)