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Hiding step-relatives

0 votes
Is there a way that step-relatives can be hidden without hiding biological relatives of the same generation? I have a sibling who is the second spouse to someone else. There are children from the previous marriage, so I do have step-nephews and step-nieces. Is there a setting to make it so that they don't show up but still show my other nieces and nephews? The reason I ask is because I have another sibling who has been married multiple times, but none of her step children show (probably because it would make to tree too complex, which is fine with me). I have tried to set "Other" to "1 gen", which shows all the niece and nephews along with my one sibling's steps but not the other. And when I set "Other" to "None", it hides all nieces and nephews along with all steps.
asked Jun 7, 2015 by icemandeaf (620 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Start with the person directly related to you. Ignore/delete the other parent and when adding the kids, press ' add without mother/father' this should help your problem!
answered Oct 7, 2015 by Lauren.goode (280 points)