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How do i get the tree to show all the details on downloading/printing? DOB, Occupation, Places of Residence et

0 votes
223 views asked Oct 14, 2020 by Parapsych (120 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
You can't print everything, not even close.  Downloading is another matter.

What prints is what appears on the screen, so you can play around with what shows on the screen.

From the Show: field on the bottom line, you can choose what appears below the name, but it will be ONLY ONE of these:

1) Life Dates
2) Birth Date & Location
3) Death Date & Location
4) Email
5) Address
6) Telephone
7) Profession
8) Company
9) Interests
10) Activities

Again, it will display only ONE of the above 10 things.  There doesn't appear to be an option to display what is entered in the Bio Notes field, so that will never be displayed/printed in a family tree.

As for downloading, you can get everything if you export if you choose Family Script format, though it will be encoded in a way that makes it difficult to decode into a useful form.  Other formats may also include everything, but I don't know about them; Family Script format definitely does.

Except photos; they are stored separately and are not included in ANY download/export.  Not sure how to download those.
answered Oct 17, 2020 by mikeb00 (3,070 points)