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The family could not be saved - please try again

+1 vote
Hello, I have a pretty expansive tree of 610 people spanning several different generations and several different lines. Everything was going fine until this morning. Everytime I try to add a child at a current point of my tree I get the error, "The family could not be saved - please try again." I can add a child at the very beginning point of the tree for testing, such as if I select "Back To Me" and add a child, it works fine, but if I try to adjust this one family line it simply won't let me. Have I hit some sort of limit? I checked the forums and saw some people with thousands of members so I'm not sure if that's really the case.
asked Oct 10, 2020 by SimsOMedia (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
There was a server issue today, due to a migration at our hosting provider. Sorry for the inconvenience - it should be OK now.
answered Oct 10, 2020 by gidgreen (10,920 points)
Thank you very much!