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Possible to link trees together? Search other trees for matches? Auto search available?

0 votes
I see on other sites that when identical information is entered from another user, there is an option to link trees together which would be wonderful to see their complete tree information.....or at least be able to search other trees to add information to my tree. (link may not be best if their info in incorrect)
asked Jun 5, 2015 by eck0731 (230 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

There have been several questions about merging trees. Family Echo recently said their: 'developer recently added an answer to a similar question which gives a way to do this, but it involves downloading and editing FamilyScript files:

http://answers.familyecho.com/375/merge-two-trees-together-by-a-marrriage?show=765#a765 '.

In the meantime, you can also search for other questions and answers tagged with 'merge'.

answered Jun 30, 2015 by p.mcallister (15,960 points)