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How can I show all people I added to the family tree?

+2 votes
Title pretty much says it all but is there any way to show every single person I've added? Some only appear when I click on my mother or father but then it hides the other side of the family. I've already changed all the settings to show 15 generations but it still doesn't show everyone (second cousins or grandparents' siblings, for example)
asked Jun 5, 2015 by julthejuls (150 points)

1 Answer

–8 votes
The tree physically cannot show every person at the same time: it would be too confusing for the reader. To maximise the number of people shown, try clicking on someone in the middle of the tree.

If you want to print the tree, I recommend printing it off in sections, so that everyone is represented on one section, then drawing in little branches saying 'continued on section 3' or something similar.
answered Jun 6, 2015 by p.mcallister (16,000 points)