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List of persons on the tree

0 votes
1 - I'm trying to add a partner with another person on the tree, but that person doesn't apear in the list. Why all people in the tree doesn't apear in the list ?

2 - Is not possible to have the list sorted into alphabetic order ?
asked Sep 19, 2020 by gabrielcbfp (130 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
At the bottom of the screen, just to the right of center, there is a field labeled "Find".

You can click in the field and start typing the name of the person for whom you want, and those names who match what letters you've typed so far will appear above the field.

Once you the name you want appears, you can click on it and it will show as the center person in your tree.
answered Sep 20, 2020 by mikeb00 (3,070 points)