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Is there a familyecho app available for iPhone/android

+6 votes
4,320 views asked Jun 1, 2015 by nikesha.bowdren@gmail.com (180 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
You should be able to access the site using an internet connection on your phone. Unfortunatly there is and issue with using the site on tablets and mobile devices, although Family Echo say they are working on it (they may have already fixed it).
answered Jun 2, 2015 by p.mcallister (15,970 points)
I am looking forward to see the app for android/apple. the tree is impossible to view thru phones and/or tablets
They did not fix the issue. I cannot share links to people on mobile. It refuses to copy the ENTIRE link and does NOT allow you to scroll to the end of the link to copy it manually. They should make an app for mobile devices on the app store or android store to fix it.
–1 vote

Try to use this helpful app for every family http://trackingapps.org/phone-hacking/

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answered Nov 2, 2016 by BrandyShmendy (120 points)