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Can't scroll all the way down when adding partner's already on tree.

+2 votes
I just switched from an asus to a macbook, and I have a family tree with over 18000 people, and now when I try to add a partner with someone already on the tree it won't let me scroll all the way down the list. :(
asked Sep 16, 2020 by xxjwoodwardxx (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Try typing in the first name.  You have to type quickly, as if it detects what it thinks is you stopping typing, it will go to the first name in the list that matches what you typed up to that point.

Once it finds a name matching what you want, if it's not the one you want, type the first name again (quickly, without pauses) and it will move to the next name that matches.

See if that helps.
answered Sep 20, 2020 by mikeb00 (3,070 points)