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Restore to an earlier date and time

+1 vote
I made a mistake in entering data and I can not delete or change to undo the change.
  I request to restore the tree to 15.september.2020 at 24:00
I  hope this is possible. Thanks


asked Sep 16, 2020 by amik (270 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

I don't know if the managers of the website can restore your tree.  If not, then it's on you to take periodic backups of your tree.  The best way to do that is to download/export your tree.

To do that, click the "download/export this tree..." button at the bottom of the sidebar, on the left.  It will give you multiple choices for the format to export to; choose "Family Script", as it is the most likely among the choices to include EVERYTHING in your tree, AND be able to restore it all.  On Windows, it will be downloaded/exported to your C:\Users\userID\Downloads folder and be named "My-Family-dd-Mmm-yyyy.txt" where userID is the ID you logged onto Windows with, dd = 2-digit date, Mmm = three char month name, and yyyy is the year.

How often you do this will determine how recently you can restore to (e.g. every hour or two, every couple of days, every month,...); how many of these you keep will determine how far back you can restore to.

answered Sep 20, 2020 by mikeb00 (3,090 points)