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How would I put one person in the family tree as a child for another section of the tree?

0 votes
For context: I created this account to track the relations between some virtual pets on FelisFire.

FeatherFall and Flight are both descended from CitySmog. However, I can't seem to put their fathers together in one tree.

I want the tree to have CitySmog (their grandfather) listed along with his partners, Molly and SpaghettiAndMeatballs. From there, I want Ferns and PaintedPottery (Flight and FeatherFall's fathers respectively) to be listed as childen.
From there I could probably link up stuff properly.

(Yes, I do know Flight and FeatherFall are related now - I did not know that when I paired them up.)
asked Aug 10, 2020 by TerraAudeux (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Click on the child, then click on 'change or delete', then click on 'change parents', then 'choose new parents from tree'. You should then be able to select the parent(s) from the list of all of the people in the tree.
answered Nov 22, 2020 by 31harrypotter07 (790 points)