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Why won't my whole family tree print?

+2 votes
My family tree has 169 entries.  But when I try to print it, it only prints my parents and some of their 13 children on one page.  I have tried the PDF format, but the same thing.  
In the print preivew it  says 'one page' and there are no options to access and print the rest of the tree on several pages.
asked Aug 10, 2020 by TruckerKen (180 points)

1 Answer

–2 votes
Do you see all of the family tree in the main Family Echo window? I ask, because I think you may have to click on Show Options at the bottom of the window and then change the number of generations that are displayed for Parents, Children, and Other.

In my experience, whatever is in the main window is what will be printed.
answered May 3, 2021 by lsommerer (50,890 points)