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Partner Options

0 votes

Several questions all regarding the "partner" tab on the sidebar:

  1. Can we have more relationship options? Ie, invalid marriages (such as bigamy), domestic partnerships, married to the same person more than 1 time, etc?
  2. Also, if a child is from assault, their parents shouldn't have to be connected via a "relationship". The partner dropdown can be left blank, but that keeps the date from being added. It could at least give option "other".
  3. The partners should be shown on the sidebar in order of date of the relationship, rather than the order they were added. This can look messy and confusing for people with multiple marriages that weren't added in the correct order.
  4. This site gives the option of viewing people by surname now or surname at birth - under the "partners" tab on the sidebar, it should default to their surname at birth - or give you the option to switch between them.
asked Aug 4, 2020 by Egunning83 (480 points)

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