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Can't see all the people in the tree

0 votes
This is a nice, simple system, but it seems very limited. I created my first tree, and it was not too complex:

1. Myself and my wife

2. Our 2 children and their spouses

3. Each of our children have 2 kids

4. I also entered ancestors - The Mom and Dad for both my wife and myself

But, if I click on my name, it displays my Mom and Dad - but not my wife's Mom or Dad...and  if I click on my wife's name, it displays her Mom and Dad, but not my Mom or Dad. So, I'm confused...have I already exceeded the limitations of the program already? Is there not a way to see all of this relatively simple tree?
asked Jul 31, 2020 by geraldtown (120 points)

2 Answers

–1 vote

On the very bottom of the page below your family tree display, you will see this display:

Print / Hide Sidebar / Show Key / Back to Me / Find / - +

Show / Parents / Children / Others

These options all have dropdown menues. Select Parents / Children / Others dropdown menues and choose a larger number. This allows you to show as many generations from that person as you want. It allows 15 generations from your children, parents, and others. You can pick and choose what number/how many generations at random for each one.

answered Aug 5, 2020 by Egunning83 (480 points)
+2 votes
There's just one extra thing you need to know. The program only displays the ancestors of one person at a time. To see your parents and your wife's parents at the same time, click on one of your kids. All of your child's grandparents will show up.
answered Jun 9, 2022 by lsommerer (52,830 points)