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Editing history broken?

0 votes
Two questions:

1) I invited my father to edit my family tree via Family Echo. He received an email and made an account. However, when he signed in, the only way he could access the tree was by clicking on the link I sent him. I.e., when he's logged in and clicks on "My Account," the tree that I put togehter and of which he is a member doesn't display there. Is there anyway for him to be a part of this tree such that it displays in his "My Account" section?

2) Once signed in, my father made some chages to the tree. However, in the "View History..."  tab, the record of those changes state that I was the one to make them, not him. Is there any way to get the "View History..." section to register the identify of the person editing the tree correctly?


Thanks all!
asked Jul 30, 2020 by maxpclarke (120 points)

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