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How to add mother who is already on tree to child

0 votes
Is there a way to set someone who is already on the tree as a mother to a child? I'm trying to recreate the DARK season 2 family tree :)
asked Jul 6, 2020 by Lichtpels (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Select the person for whom you want to set their mother
Click <Change or Delete> button in sidebar
Click <Change parents> button in sidebar
Click <Choose new parents from tree> button in sidebar
Click in the white field below "Choose the new mother" and wait for a list of names to appear
You can scroll up/down to the name (they're sorted by lastname then firstname) and then click on it
Click <Set new parents> button in the sidebar


answered Jul 7, 2020 by mikeb00 (3,070 points)