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How can I make the country of Birth visible on the printed out page?

0 votes

Can you please tell me when I print out my family free for my school assignment I need to show the follwoing and I am not sure how to do it?


Persons Name  - First and Last

Persons Hebrew Name

Date of Birth

and Counrty Born
asked Jul 4, 2020 by mmall012 (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The closest I can suggest will kind of do what you're asking, but in a weird way.

In the Personal tab, enter the First & Last name and the Date of Birth as usual.

In the Biographical tab, for Birth place as you want it to appear (can be just country, but can include more detail too)

In the main window for your tree, at the bottom click on the Show dropdown list and select Birth.  This will make each person's first & last name, date of birth, and birth place appear.

As for their Hebrew name, you can add it as their middle name(s), perhaps with parenthesis around it, or after their last name.  To make the middle name(s) appear, click on the Show dropdown list and select Middle names.

Play around with how you enter the names until you get it looking the way you want.  If you want the Hebrew name to appear last, you'll have to enter it after the last name.  You can also enter a Surname at birth and then toggle between Show Surname at birth and Show Surname now, perhaps one with the Hebrew name included, one without.
answered Jul 7, 2020 by mikeb00 (3,070 points)