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Security Concern!

+3 votes
I have used Familyecho for many years and would definitely recommend it had it not been for some major issues which were brought to my attention and wanted to know if you can resolve.
Firstly, shareable links cannot be disabled. This means that it could potentially lead to a General Data Protection Regulation nightmare given that links can be easily mirrored; people with links can download a version which can be accessed offline and won't get disabled.
This is a major concern and I would really appreciate it if you could do something about this, as apart from this, it's a great genealogy tool but would have to discontinue use as these privacy issues are major concerns.
Please get in touch about this as soon as you can.
asked Jun 19, 2020 by erisedstar30259 (5,530 points) 1 flag
Was this issue addressed?
There is currently no way to disable any links after you share them with someone. So think long and hard about sharing links. Even removing the tree does not remove their access to the tree.

1 Answer

0 votes
Obvious security concern: Why would you share with people if you can't trust them to get the link?
answered Jan 8 by rocketmoore8 (6,760 points)