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How do I delete grandchildren and their partners, the tree has become too big, I need to start another Family

0 votes
My Tree begins with a Father. 9 children have been added, along with their partners. When I elected to add his children's children, i.e. the grandchildren, the Tree became unworkable, too big. So, I decided to elimiinate the grandchildren, and start a new Tree. But, I can not delete these boxes because it would split the Tree, saya the window. HELP?
related to an answer for: Delete a person from my family
asked Jan 5, 2015 by JohnDTaylor38 (250 points)

1 Answer

+4 votes
you need to delete the end points, anything that has a connection would split the family in two which is why you cannot delete it.

if you try and delete the grandchildren and you have added spouses to them you need to delete the spouse first.
answered Jan 5, 2015 by rizwandawood (330 points)