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How can I do a print out of all the data I have entered for my tree

+1 vote
384 views asked Apr 30, 2020 by ArthurPilgrim (130 points)

1 Answer

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From the FAQ screen:

Q: Why can't I see/print everyone on the tree?

It is often not possible to show the entire family tree at once, without confusing crossing lines. To show the most people possible, click on one of the oldest ancestors and set the 'Children' menu to its maximum.

answered May 1, 2020 by DanUgrin (21,720 points)
I also don't know exactly how it could be done but what I need is to have one whole big image with all the tree on it. Have you considered a service to produce and print on a big sheet of paper, like a poster, the tree? I would recommend :-)
Yes, that would be very interesting! I am trying to do the same.
Is there any external software for printing? Actually I need to print and paste it on my Living room wall.