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Extra photos

0 votes
Is it possible to upload more than one photo per person, even if only the main one is showing?
asked Apr 30, 2020 by cwparri (140 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
No, one photo only per person.  One thing you might consider is to use a free website service like Google Sites to create a simple web page displaying or linking to the extra photos.  Then point to the web page in the Website field on the person's Contacts tab.

Somewhat simpler would be to create a document with your favorite word processor that contains all the stuff you want to share.  Save it as a pdf file.  Upload the pdf file to a cloud service like Google Drive.  You can then link to that file as mentioned above.
answered Apr 30, 2020 by DanUgrin (21,720 points)
0 votes
I found a work around for this.  If you create a collage of two or three photos that you wish to add, you can use that collage as the photo.  I used this method with two photos and it looked great.  I could see both of the photos clearly.
answered Mar 31, 2022 by PearsonsFamily (770 points)