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Dear all,

Is there a possibility that my family members can visit my family tree, but I do not want to share with all of them user & password. Thanks in advance
asked Apr 29, 2020 by shakeel_siddiqui (140 points)

1 Answer

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You don't need to give out your user & password to share your tree.

On the tree view, select the family member you want to share with.

On the left panel there will be a [Invite _____ to share family] button. Click it.

Three will be a check box to allow or block this person to edit the tree.  Be sure it it set as required.

Copy the given email link and send it to your member.

If you gave them edit privilages they will have to create their own username and password account (not yours).
answered Apr 29, 2020 by DanUgrin (21,680 points)