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When I share a tree, how can I protect exisitng data from being deleted or lost by the actions of a user?

0 votes
To share I click on a family member with whom I wisht to share, click on share and send an email to that person. When that person gas access to my tree, he or she can enter, amend and/or delete information, it woul appear. How can I protect myself from losing everything when a user makes a mistake, clicks e.g. on delete. How do I preserve invormation when I have shared it with someone else? Thanks!
asked May 21, 2015 by JohnDTaylor38 (250 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
There is no way to revoke a user's access once you've granted it to them. What you can do is export your tree to another account. That way, if someone goes crazy with the delete button, you have all the information safely on a separate account. You could then export it back to the original account, or keep it where the pesky user can't get it!

Hope this helps!
answered May 24, 2015 by p.mcallister (16,000 points)
So there isn't a way to share a view-only version?  If shared, it will always be editable by whoever you share with?
When selecting someone from the tree to share it with, untick the box saying: 'Allow X to edit family'.