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Backing this up

0 votes
Can anyone recommend the best say to back this up and archive?  I've spent countless hours and want to make sure I have a saved copy offline in case something happens and I cannot access the website.

Maybe it can be converted into some file type that can be saved locally?


Thank you!
asked Apr 16, 2020 by stacykassin (120 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Hi, I would be tempted to downloand/Export the tree on to your PC/Laptop. I tend to use CSV format formy own preferences. Once downloaded find where you've saved it and change the name and add a date so you can see the last revision of the file that you had...Hope this helps
answered Apr 16, 2020 by steveray1968 (160 points)
0 votes

Hi stacykassin,

On the left sidebar you can select "Download / export this family...". You can then select the preferred format and download a copy on your local machine. 

I hope this helps.



answered Apr 16, 2020 by Luciano92 (200 points)
+1 vote

As Luciano said, use the "Download / export this family..." function.  If your goal is to keep a "backup" to protect your data, download a GEDCOM or FamilyScript file. A CSV file is pretty much useless as a backup as it cannot be uploaded to restore a damaged tree.

Also note that picture data is not included in these backups.  If you don't have your own backups for the pictures, you can download the HTML file that will contain the picture data.  You can extract the picture data manually when you view the HTML file in your browser into separate files that can be added to a restored tree.

answered Apr 16, 2020 by DanUgrin (21,720 points)