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How do I share my tree to another person's tree to their account.

0 votes
Someone asked this question but the answer was not complete. To share my tree they said was either give them my account information (which I don't want to do) or share to their account assuming that they had an account. How do I share to their account? I only see to share to them personally which I did but they they said that they only get there by opening their email and clicking the link. So if they open FamilyEcho 2-3 times a day they constantly have to open my original email to them & click on the link. It is not user friendly that way. Please explain how to share my tree with their account.
asked Apr 12, 2020 by vegasgal22 (120 points)

1 Answer

–1 vote

By clicking on top-right "My account" under the "Families" section they have their family tree only or yours too? (assuming they created accounts using same e-mail address used in your invitations / as listed in your family tree under their persons).

answered Apr 15, 2020 by Jaff (3,500 points)