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How do I change "Username", NOT Password...

0 votes

I want to change my Username, but when I go to My Account, it allows me to "Edit" my Name and "Edit" my Email address. Next to "Username" it gives my current Username, and a box (link) labeled "Change Password", but that's all. It does not seem to let me change my Username. Any suggestions? Thank you!

asked Apr 9, 2020 by lilisheeline (120 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Don't think a "user" can change his/her username.  Possible solutions:

Use the "Send Feedback" link next to the Forum link to contact the people that run Family Echo and ask them if they can change your username for you.

If that doesn't work you can create a new account with a new username/password.  Then download a GEDCOM or FamilyScript copy of you tree and upload it to the new account.  If you have pictures attached to people on your tree they will not be downloaded with these copies.  If you don't have picture backups you can download an HTML copy of the tree that will contain the pictures.
answered Apr 9, 2020 by DanUgrin (21,680 points)
Thank you very much! I'll go ahead and create a new account - appreciate your quick response!