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Photo not Uploading even though it's under the size limit...

0 votes
Every time I choose a file and upload it, it just simply freezes in the 'please wait while uploading' and then doesn't upload. 16MB is the maximum size. The photo I'm uploading is only 1.2MB. So something's not working, as all the other photos I have are roughly the same daa size.

How can this be fixed?
asked Apr 1, 2020 by Blue_ARC23 (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Site stores all images as JPEG 120x120 pixels. Try to make them at this dimensions.

(I keep mine as 256x256 on hard disk, under 16k each. For HTML export smaller size.)
answered Apr 8, 2020 by Jaff (3,480 points)