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I am not the originator of the family tree I am on.

0 votes
I want to start my own family tree without disturbubing the one I'm on. Do I have to register with a new user name and password?  Will I then be the originator of thei family tree?
asked Mar 23, 2020 by jaxx725 (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes you will need to register, but it is free.

Sounds like you want to start a tree based on an existing one. You should use the [Download / export this family...] button at the lower left to download a GEDCOM or FamilyScript backup.

Switch to your account and in the My Account screen you can create a new tree.  You will then have the option to upload the file you saved.  Once uploaded be sure to set the "me" to your entry to complete the upload.
answered Mar 23, 2020 by DanUgrin (21,720 points)
He already has an account, so there's no need to create a new one. Just adding a new family tree is enough.