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Can I copy my tree?

+1 vote
I've created a tree that follows a large part of my family way back into Europe. But now I want to follow a different combination of lineages, looking at a more geographical restriction. Can I copy my existing tree first, so that I can begin to focus on only certain lines in the tree, while keeping the original tree intact? Thank you!
asked Feb 8, 2020 by lmschiloe (240 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes

I found the answer elsewhere - using the term "duplicate" instead of "copy". This worked, so I'm including it here in case anyone else uses the wrong term! 

"Yes. Click on the [Download/export] button (lower left of tree screen). Save as GEDCOM or FamilyScript. Click on [My Account] button (upper right of screen), then click on [Create or import new family].  Now click on [Import GEDCOM or FamilyScript]. Click on the [browse] button and select the file you downloaded, then click on [Import].  You can rename the new tree on the My Account screen.

Answered Dec 15, 2016 by DanUgrin"


answered Feb 9, 2020 by lmschiloe (240 points)
Thanks, but it didn't work for me; "Click on the [Download/export] button (lower left of tree screen). Save as GEDCOM or FamilyScript." I prefer to create, download plain text documents, duplicate them, and then reupload them to my needs.