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How do I combine 2 different, imported trees?

+1 vote
The trees I'm trying to combine are two separate ones. I am not able to combine them and would really be able to both my mom's side and dad's. Thanks so much and I love your site!
asked Jan 19, 2020 by aku_a (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You have 2 posibilities:

1) Need to manually add members from smaller tree to the bigger one. I recommend you to have both trees opened on 2 tabs of the browser.


2) You can try to export both trees into GEDCOM, merge them (search on google for gedcom merge tree) and reimport as new tree, add pictures again... (You will get a little bit messy)
answered Apr 19, 2020 by Jaff (3,480 points)