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Is there a way to show how many cousins removed I am from another person

0 votes
We have the same great-great-great grandfather.
asked Jan 17, 2020 by Maelkiha (120 points)

1 Answer

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It doesn't "show" on the tree but if you both have the same great-great-great grandfather that would make you 4th cousins.  If the number of generations between your common ancestor is different then the "removed" factor is the difference and the smaller number of ancestors is the cousin count.

For example if your cousin had only three generations between him/her and your g-g-g grandfather and you have four, then you would be 3rd cousins once removed.

ggg-grand - gg-grand g-grand grand parent you -- 4 ancestors between etc

answered Jan 18, 2020 by DanUgrin (21,640 points)