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How can I stop a user from editing my tree?

0 votes
Unfortunately, I ended up giving out the wrong link or something and now they are modifying my tree. I'm not entirely fluent with this program yet, but is there any way to block an account from my tree so they can no longer edit it?
asked May 11, 2015 by starrysock (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If you have sent a link to your family tree allowing people to edit then there is no way to revoke the permission. If you are worried, you can download a copy of your information to your computer using 'Download/export this family..'. If you do this in FamilyScript or GEDCOM then you will be able to import it back into Family Echo as a new tree if they modify the original in a way you don't like.
answered May 17, 2015 by FamilyEchoSupport (22,250 points)
Can changing your password revoke the permission of others?
Can duplicating the tree into an new account?