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is it possible to put more info for each person to be seen as well as birth/death etc

0 votes
Hi is it possible to show all information about a person such as birth date, where born, death, when married, occupation, etc,to show altogether on the oblong or square Icon,rather than  just showing birth death etc.  thanks Ken.
asked Dec 5, 2019 by Kayce81 (210 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi, Its not possible to actually show anything other than the titles already added. So here is what I would do. Click on "Biographical" then  "Bio Notes" (halfway down on the left)  You can add all the things you want, for example.




List them like this if you like. You could also add pieces of their life. There is a lot of space to do this. I counted 100 lines and gave up then but there was still more space.to add more information. Obviously it won't show nless you click onto Bio notes but you will know whats there. Hope it helps.
answered Jan 22, 2020 by Pamsuzanne (1,800 points)